I am a little bit fearful, but really I am happy to have been saved from this place so difficult where there was no house but only  big constructions where people are going to work, it is called quoted from business cases. It rained, it was cold and I did not know where to find food. And I was allowed arrested at the end of month by the one, that gave me food and  drink every day, when she goes to the work. This day, I was very afraid, I remained locked into a cage of transport and everybody in her work came to see me, then she took me in car and go with me at a veterinarian's. I believed that everything was finished for me, even my freedom. But she came to look for me! It adorned that I needed care and every evening she took me at these doctor's to make a sting. I was alone in a detail room where she gave me food, she stayed a little with me and spoke to me, said me that I was beautiful, it was necessary to trust. I had understood that there was another cat and it was necessary , we accept because if not, I could not stay with them.

During the day we spoke to each other below the door and when I did not need any more stings, door was opened to me, I tried to go out and I saw her, I found her beautiful and I say her that I was her friend and that I wanted to live under the same roof. Melody  accepted me. I understood very fast :always she spat to frighten me, it was to teach me the good manners and not too much to annoy me because she likes the peace and she is not as young as me. There is a big aquarium in the house and I like observing fishes !

I like looking at fishes, I find stranger that I'm not to be able to catch them!!!

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