And The sacred Cats of Egypt 

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The Egyptian liked the cat in the point to make Bastet's mortal coil of it, one of their favorite goddesses. Numerous stone, bronze statues, testify of their worship for the cat.

Bastet is a divinity at the same moment sun and lunar, goddess of the music, the dance, the enjoyment and the maternity. She is represented under two aspects: as  cat seat , stretched paws, curls of gold in the ear, the pectoral necklace with sun beetle, or standing, in woman with a head of cat, wearing a basket and a sistrum in hands, often with kittens playing its feet. 

Bastet up carrying basket, necklace and  sistrum. Bastet in woman.
Cat Bastet seat Mummy of cat
Kind of amulet bound to Bastet protected the mother and the child Bastet's bust wearing the necklace and the sistrum

Bastet associated to the beauty, influenced the women, they made up the eyes to have a feline glance. To protect  the children of the epidemics, a medal in the effigy of the goddess Bastet was hung on collided on the neck. Goddess of the music, the cestrum which she carries wears) symbolizes the universe and the sounds aimed at creating the movement which gives the life....

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